A rake task to set the file permissions and ownership in a rails project

A rake task to set the file permissions and ownership in a rails project

Revisions made by tamc up to 13:06 Sun 23 Apr 2006

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13:06 Sun 23 Apr 2006

  1. 0. h1. A rake task to set the file permissions and ownership in a rails project
  2. 1.
  3. 2. Darcs doesn't mange file permissions or ownership. To make it easy to setup file permissions after a @darcs get@ of a rails project I create a setup.rake file in lib/tasks with the following:
  4. 3.
  5. 4. <code>
  6. 5. <pre>
  7. 6. desc 'Set permissions on fast and cgi scripts'
  8. 7. task :set_permissions do
  9. 8. # Execute privelages
  10. 9. ['public','public/dispatch.cgi','public/dispatch.fcgi','public/dispatch.rb','script/*','script/process/*'].each do |file|
  11. 10. p `chmod a+x #{File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../' + file }`
  12. 11. end
  13. 12. # Write privelages
  14. 13. ['tmp','log','index','public/list','public/talk','public/user'].each do |file|
  15. 14. p `chmod -R a+rw #{File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../' + file }`
  16. 15. end
  17. 16. </pre>
  18. 17. </code>
  19. 18.
  20. 19. After a @darcs get@ I can then just run @rake set_permissions@ and be ready to run.
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